FNTP stands for Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
This is someone who has been trained and certified as a Functional Nutritionist by the Nutritional Therapy Association.
How is an FNTP different from a regular Nutritionist?
Having completed a Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition with Deakin University, I can say with confidence that the differences are many. But let me focus on what an FNTP does:
Promotes a diet that is properly prepared with a focus on whole foods.
- Encourages people to NOT consume refined carbohydrates and sugars, eat out less, be involved in the food prep process (but if eating out, knows what to choose);
- Encourages people to drink water and avoid sugar/caffeinated beverages;
- Encourages people to choose local, seasonal and organic produce;
- Encourages the consumption of protein and fat from pasture-raised and organic sources;
- If tolerates grains, chooses organic, gluten-free and prepares them well (such as soaking and sprouting)*
Believes in the bio-individuality of a person.
- Not every lifestyle/diet works for every individual; we consider health markers and needs, genetics, allergies and/or sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle, work, even location.
Has unique assessment methods.
- In person, there is the Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA) and Lingual Neural Testing (LNT) that assesses the whole body;
- An in depth online health assessment.
(*I personally believe today MOST people DON’T tolerate grains well, or often need to avoid them to regain their health; however, they should not be vilified the way they have been.)
So why did I become an FNTP?
The curriculum really did make sense to me.
As I read through the details, I was saying “yes, yes, yes!” in my head. It really was a no brainer, especially because they decided to offer the very first course in my home town of Melbourne… and even though I live in Shanghai and it would be more expensive for me, it gave me the chance to visit home, family and friends over the year.
So, I enrolled (pretty much) immediately as it was exactly what I’d been looking for.
I hadn’t quite understood though what the FCA was, as well as the other assessment tools FNTPs have access to, but when I did, this made me even more glad (and proud) to have found and enrolled in this course. I really felt that when I walked away from this course, I would be different from other Nutritionists and even Dieticians out there and would be able to help people in a way no one else could.
I’m still learning of course (I will forever be), but I have some wonderful skills and tools all thanks to the NTA, that I most definitely would NOT have, had I continued on with the Masters in Human Nutrition that I had originally planned (and been accepted) to do. (No disrespect to that course or people who have done it – there is SO much learning to be gained from their program, it just wasn’t for me).
So, if you wanted to work with me in person, this is more or less what we would do:
- Complete the initial information prior to meeting me (food journals, questionnaires etc).
- Meet with me (online or in person). We will discuss your results from the data collected, your concerns and goals, health history etc.
You’ll leave meeting one with recommendations catered to your individual needs which meet you where you’re at (I’ll never force you to do anything you’re not ready for). You go and give your new lifestyle a whirl. - Follow up with me. We review how you’ve been going and tweak plan if necessary. Complete the FCA if working in person.
- More follow ups depend on you, your health and your need for support. This health game is in your hands but I am here to guide you.
If you wanted to work with me online, the only thing we can’t do together is the FCA. However, if there is a practitioner near you, I can possibly refer you to them to complete this as it really is a powerful and informative tool.
Working together online does NOT mean we can’t work together. If you are committed and willing to implement some changes, you can do everything yourself at home with my guidance from afar…
So I hope that clears up what an FNTP is, why I chose to be one and what we do.
With all that said, our tribe could always use some expanding. If you are interested in learning to be an FNTP, you can get involved here (also see the course catalog here). They have courses starting every year, in locations all over the US, Australia, and New Zealand too. And if you do sign up, please feel free to mention my name*.
It really has changed my life and the course can be taken in so many directions, wherever your interests or expertise lie.
So come follow my journey, work with me or sign up and become an FNTP yourself. Either way, life with the knowledge from the NTA is a better one, so I hope you get to experience it in some capacity!
Bianca x