If you are viewing this page because you decided to join a fast with me, WELL DONE!

Committing to a fast takes mental strength and awareness. Many people today prefer to continually respond to their body’s cues for food, without considering that fasting has been a huge part of our history as humans. It was considered as a one of the ways to true health and the ultimate medication (sleep or rest is the other). It is voluntary, unlike starvation.

So as we have decided to embark on a fast together, I thought I’d share with you today, the Stages of fasting (as per the life fasting tracker app).

I use the app called “Life fasting tracker” and love it*. You’ll see this logo when you enter the app store (only available on smart phones).

Why do I love it? Because it’s simple to operate, you can create “circles” that people can join and fast alongside you, the timer is really clear to follow and best of all, it includes information about where you are during your fast… and that can keep people motivated.

So let’s talk about what happens to the body when we fast.

After 12 hours, the body is likely making ketones (that’s usually from dinner time to breakfast, so yes, ketone production can be occurring when we sleep). The body is breaking down fat cells and using them for energy production. Your brain is loving this, so you may start to feel clear-headed and focused around now.

At 18 hours, fat burning mode is switched on for real. You haven’t been feeding your body o it is sourcing its glucose and ketones internally.

Around 24 hours, insulin drops very low, we have pretty much depleted our body’s glucose stores. Then, autophagy starts to take place. This is a big part of what we are fasting for. This is where junky proteins, parts of our cells are broken down and recycled or eliminated (apoptosis). Our body is taking the worn out parts of cells and makes new parts, keeping the cells in tip top working shape. The body is rejuvenated from within.

At 48 hours, we experience a massive boost in growth hormone (aka the anti-aging hormone). It promotes healing both internally and externally. This process preserves our muscles so don’t be worried about losing muscle mass.

Reaching 54 hours, we’ve lowered insulin for a good period of time now. Keeping it this low and enabling all the processes above enhances our insulin sensitivity. This is especially great for anyone who has pre-diabetes, or diabetes (but honestly any disease or health condition), and is said to be protecting us from disease.

When we make it to 3 days, or 72 hours (which is surprisingly easy, I might add), our bodies are super machines. We’re doing some super awesome immune boosting for our bodies (gives us a fighting chance against viruses). So combined with all the functions happening above, we become stronger, more resilient to disease, increase our sensitivity to insulin (more metabolic flexibility, we stay fuller for longer and burn more body fat), create ketones for non-stop energy and start the aging process backwards!

Incorporating fasting into one’s life is super easy, gives us more time in our day to get stuff done, and if we do it on a regular basis, lowers our likelihood of disease, keeps us looking and feeling young, keeps our brains active and keeps us burning more fat even when we resume eating.

I’m so glad you decided to join us on this fasting journey. Now let’s get working on your fasting muscle and have a long and healthy life!

To your fasting-fueled health,

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

*I have no affiliate link to this app, I just love it.