So if you’re feeling anxious, scared or nervous about doing something, the one way to overcome these feelings and accomplish that thing is to change your feelings to become courageous, brave and self-confident!
So, let's take a look at the model...
C – the circumstance, (or fact).
T – the thought you’re having.
F – the feeling you’re feeling.
A -the action you’re taking as a result of the above feeling.
R – the result you achieve because of the feeling/thought and actions.
Ok, so here's a fear-based example for you...
C: There is a 5 week nutrition program that says it can help me get healthy and lose weight.
T: I will fail if I try to commit to it for 5 weeks.
F: Anxious.
A: I decline the offer. I keep eating my usual diet. I don’t lose any weight, I may continue to gain weight. I may feel worse than before.
R: I don’t make any changes or commitments, I keep doing the same thing.
Now change the feeling to
What do you have to THINK to feel
C: There is a 5 week nutrition program that says it can help me get healthy and lose weight. (STAYS THE SAME)
T: I am so good at committing to something I want for myself.
F: Self confidence.
A: I research programs and Nutritionists and find one that is supportive and resonates with me. I sign up for a program. I complete the 5 weeks successfully. I reach my goal weight. I go shopping for new clothes and start working out again.
R: I feel confident about myself, empowered, have learnt so much about my health, am exercising again, love my new body and am feeling strong and resilient. I am proud of myself for putting myself first and committing to make my goals come true.
What do you think of the model?
Personally, this model has changed the way I look at life.
For anything I find challenging or something I’m completely avoiding, I use this model to map out how it will change if I feel self confidence and change the thought that I have about the circumstance.
And EVERY SINGLE TIME I change my outcome.
EVERY SINGLE TIME I complete my action.
EVERY SINGLE TIME I learn something about myself and feel proud of my achievement.
I hope this model has been useful for you, just as much as it has for me!
To your self-confident future self,